Ehoah &
Ehoah Sigil & RDNA Sigil
The following Two Basic Tenets are the basis of the
Reformed Druids of North America (RDNA),
'One of the many ways in which the object of Man's search for religious truth
can be found is through Nature: The Earth Mother'
'Nature, being one of the primary concerns in Man's life and struggle,
and being one of the objects of creation, is important to Man's Spiritual quests'
Reformed Druids of North America (RDNA),
'One of the many ways in which the object of Man's search for religious truth
can be found is through Nature: The Earth Mother'
'Nature, being one of the primary concerns in Man's life and struggle,
and being one of the objects of creation, is important to Man's Spiritual quests'
their philosophy and faith, if you agree with the two basic tenets then
you are in every way a Reformed Druid and that is all that is required
of you to be one. This would make you a 'zero order' Reformed Druid, affectionately called the 'acorn' order. After this there are three other major orders in Reformed Druidism that can be pursued if you ever so desire, each involving different roles and responsibilities. Being a Reformed Druid doesn’t mean that you are
exclusively one, you may have many other beliefs and be involved in as
many faiths as you desire. In fact this is encouraged as the founders of
the Reformed Druids of North America believe that diversity is key for
there to be tolerance and harmony among all people.
Ehoah is an offshoot of Reformed Druidism (RDNA) by way of revising the Two Basic Tenets and adding a third tenet.
Ehoah’s Three Basic Tenets are,
'Through Nature fulfillment can be found.'
'Nature, being inseparable from humanity's existence, is important in human pursuits'
'As humans are a part of Nature, it is important to ensure that our connections within it are harmonious'
The first change you will notice is that the first line is condensed to its most basic meaning. From there 'religious truth' is changed to 'fulfillment'. This is because not everyone who sees Nature as important to their well-being is searching for truth or see that pursuit or lifestyle as religious.
'Earth Mother' was changed as this is merely one of many names that have been given to Nature; the term 'Nature' is seen as sufficient enough to convey the understanding that Nature/Cosmos/Universe is revered. This also gives freedom to apply whichever name desired in personal practice.
The third major change is removing 'being one of the objects of creation'. This was done because of the implications of nature being something created by some supernatural force. Having this aspect removed maintains the ground base of what is currently known and confirmed through science, where each individual or group can perceive Nature in their own way on top of this.
Ehoah is an offshoot of Reformed Druidism (RDNA) by way of revising the Two Basic Tenets and adding a third tenet.
Ehoah’s Three Basic Tenets are,
'Through Nature fulfillment can be found.'
'Nature, being inseparable from humanity's existence, is important in human pursuits'
'As humans are a part of Nature, it is important to ensure that our connections within it are harmonious'
The first change you will notice is that the first line is condensed to its most basic meaning. From there 'religious truth' is changed to 'fulfillment'. This is because not everyone who sees Nature as important to their well-being is searching for truth or see that pursuit or lifestyle as religious.
'Earth Mother' was changed as this is merely one of many names that have been given to Nature; the term 'Nature' is seen as sufficient enough to convey the understanding that Nature/Cosmos/Universe is revered. This also gives freedom to apply whichever name desired in personal practice.
The third major change is removing 'being one of the objects of creation'. This was done because of the implications of nature being something created by some supernatural force. Having this aspect removed maintains the ground base of what is currently known and confirmed through science, where each individual or group can perceive Nature in their own way on top of this.
The fourth item to be changed was 'being one of the primary concerns in Man's life and struggle' to 'being inseparable from humanity's existence' due to Nature being more than a primary concern, but the essence of our very existence. Without Nature, we wouldn't have any life or struggles to be concerned with. That way it is seen that we are not separate from or above Nature, but a part of it.
The fifth change was the removal of 'spiritual quests'. This was due to the reference of spirit even though the root word for spirit simply means 'life' it often is associated with the supernatural. Replacing this line with 'human pursuits' reenforces the view of it being about the human journey for betterment, while maintaining the ground base.
The added tenet is considered important because Saegoahs feel that there is need to live harmoniously within Nature to ensure well-being. Like that of the Reformed Druids, to be a Saegoah you need only believe that these Three Basic Tenets hold true. In believing this, naturally you would actively work toward living in complete harmony within Nature.
The word druid, having direct associations with the elites in the Celtic society of ancient Europe, is now being used in modern times by those who became inspired by them. Yet, the knowledge of who they were and what they did is mostly unrecoverable, leaving little known of them. Making what's being done more than likely far different from what the ancient druids did. The word Saegoah is used instead as a way to acknowledge that what is being done is new and has nothing to do with the Druids of old, other than being a source of inspiration among many. A fresh start that opens doors to the possibilities of what it can become.
Thus is how Ehoah is an off-shoot of Reformed Druidism.
Copyright Rua Lupa 2011
For more information on Reformed Druidry go to:
An unofficial, personal member's homepage -
Wikipedia - Reformed Druids of North America
Reformed Druids of Gaia -
Reformed Druids YouTube Channel -
Reformed Druids of North America Facebook Group -
Below is the RDNA Unofficial Welcome Pamphlet. It is a highly recommended document as it has great general value,
from how to recognize dangerous groups (within Druidry and outside of it), to advice on how to become a better leader:
An unofficial, personal member's homepage -
Wikipedia - Reformed Druids of North America
Reformed Druids of Gaia -
Reformed Druids YouTube Channel -
Reformed Druids of North America Facebook Group -
Below is the RDNA Unofficial Welcome Pamphlet. It is a highly recommended document as it has great general value,
from how to recognize dangerous groups (within Druidry and outside of it), to advice on how to become a better leader:
RDNA Unofficial Welcome Pamphlet | |
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